Friday, 23 June 2017

Survey on the mental wellbeing of graduates

Student Minds have resourced a survey working with King’s College London aiming to uncover the factors that influence the mental wellbeing of young people up to three years after graduation.

The survey is recommending a closer collaboration between higher education establishments and employers, internships to help transition into work, supporting sensitive disclosure of mental health conditions and education for employers around mental health. With increasing numbers of university students experiencing mental health difficulties, while at university, these are recommendations that need to be looked at by careers departments.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Transitioning out of University

Soon exams will be over and it is time for students who have completed the final year to move on to the next stage in their life. Student Minds gives you some tips on how to prepare and what to expect. Don’t forget as an alumnus of the University of Bedfordshire you can continue to use our Careers and Employability Service to help you with your CV and work opportunities.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Managing Exam Stress

It is that time of year when students are starting to revise for the end of year exams. For many students anxiety levels rise and they start down a path of negative thoughts, 'What if I fail?' Am I good enough?' Have I done enough revision?' These negative thoughts can affect performance on the day. It is important to remember the positives when preparing for exams. 'I have revised all I can'.  I have passed exams before'. 'I know the subject'. Find some simple breathing exercises that you can do while waiting to go into the exam room. Dont spent time with other students after the exam dissecting the questions and answers.

Student Minds have some tips to help you deal with exam stress. See the link below.

Friday, 24 February 2017

Our Mind Matters

Last week I attended the first conference organised by a Luton charity, Our Mind Matters. I spoke on  the challenges of supporting students of diverse cultures and faiths as part of my role as the Mental Health Advisor here at the University of Bedfordshire.

The charity focuses on promoting mental health and reducing stigma in the diverse communities of Luton. Their vision is:

“Faith and culture play a critical role in understanding mental health and in the recovery from mental illness”

Take a look at what they are doing in our local community.

Inspirited Minds

At a Conference last week on faith, culture and mental illness I came across a new organisation called Inspirited Minds.

They support people experiencing mental distress. They work mostly with Muslim clients and use Muslim advisers. Details about the organisation are on the link below.